Package 'eList'

Title: List Comprehension and Tools
Description: Create list comprehensions (and other types of comprehension) similar to those in 'python', 'haskell', and other languages. List comprehension in 'R' converts a regular for() loop into a vectorized lapply() function. Support for looping with multiple variables, parallelization, and across non-standard objects included. Package also contains a variety of functions to help with list comprehension.
Authors: Chris Mann <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Chris Mann <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.2.0
Built: 2025-01-30 06:08:06 UTC

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Create Vector


The .. function allows for the quick creation of vector using either ..(...) or ..[...]. It accepts vector comprehension arguments using for .... It can also be used as a more general form of c.


..(..., clust = NULL, type = Vec, simplify = TRUE)



values to be combined within a vector. Arguments beginning with for are interpreted as comprehensions.


cluster to use for parallel computations


comprehension function used when for arguments are present. Defaults to Vec.


logical; should the result be simplified to an array if possible?




..[for (i in 1:10) 2*(1:i)]

Quickly Create a Cluster for Parallel Comprehension


A function to quickly create a cluster for use in parallel vector comprehensions. Use makeCluster from the parallel package for greater control. It defaults to making a PSOCK cluster on Windows systems and a Fork cluster on unix-based systems. close_cluster is a wrapper to stopCluster.


auto_cluster(ncore = detectCores() - 1)




number of cores/nodes to use. If not specified, it attempts to detect the number of cores available and uses all but 1.


cluster to close the connection to


an object of class c("SOCKcluster", "cluster")


  • close_cluster: close an open connection to a cluster


## Parallel vector comprehension
cluster <- auto_cluster(2)
Num(for (i in 1:1000) exp(sqrt(i)), clust=cluster)

Vectorized Comprehension and Summary


Functions that summarize the results of a Python-style comprehension. These functions extend those in comprehension by applying a post-evaluation function to the results of the loop.


All(..., clust = NULL, na.rm = FALSE)

Any(..., clust = NULL, na.rm = FALSE)

None(..., clust = NULL, na.rm = FALSE)

Sum(..., clust = NULL, na.rm = FALSE)

Prod(..., clust = NULL, na.rm = FALSE)

Min(..., clust = NULL, na.rm = FALSE)

Max(..., clust = NULL, na.rm = FALSE)

Mean(..., clust = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, trim = 0)

Stats(..., clust = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, trim = 0)

Paste(..., clust = NULL, collapse = "")



vectors of any type or a for loop with format: for (var in seq) <name => <if (cond)> expr. See comprehension.


cluster to use for parallel computations


logical; should missing values be removed? Defaults to FALSE


fraction between 0 and 0.5 describing percent of observations to be trimmed from each side for the mean


character describing how the results from Paste should be collapsed. See paste.


Single numeric or character value, or a list of results for Stats


  • All: Are all results TRUE?

  • Any: Are any results TRUE?

  • None: Are all results FALSE?

  • Sum: Calculate the sum of results

  • Prod: Calculate the prod of results

  • Min: Find the minimum in the result

  • Max: Find the maximum in the result

  • Mean: Calculate the arithmetic mean of the result

  • Stats: Find the 7 number summary (5 number + mean & sd) of the result

  • Paste: Collapse the result into a single character


## Calculate the sum of all even numbers to 100
Sum(for (i in seq(2, 100, 2)) i)

## Find the mean
Mean(for (i in 1:10) log(i))

## Combine character values
greet <- c("Hello", "World", "Nice", "To", "Meet", "You")
val <- Paste(for (i.j in enum(greet)) paste0(i, ": ", j), collapse="\n")

Vectorized Comprehension in R


Functions that provide Python-style list (and related) comprehension. Comprehensions convert for loops into lapply functions before evaluation. Support for multiple variables, name assignment, nested loops, custom iterators, if-else statements, and variety of return types included.


Comp(map = lapply, fun = NULL)

List(loop, clust = NULL, fun = NULL)

Env(loop, clust = NULL)

Vec(loop, clust = NULL, drop.names = FALSE)

Num(loop, clust = NULL, drop.names = FALSE)

Chr(loop, clust = NULL, drop.names = FALSE)

Logical(loop, clust = NULL, drop.names = FALSE)

Mat(loop, clust = NULL, by.col = TRUE)

DF(loop, clust = NULL)



function, such as lapply, that is used for the comprehension


function to be called on result after comprehension


a for loop with format: for (var in seq) <name => <if (cond)> expr. See "details" below.


cluster to use for parallel computations


logical; should names be dropped after conversion? Defaults to FALSE.


should comprehension on matrix group by columns or rows? Defaults to TRUE.


The comprehension functions parse an R loop expression into lapply functions to allow for more readable code and easy creation and conversion of vectors. The general syntax for a loop expression is as follows:

for (var in seq) <name=> <if (cond)> expr

where <...> denotes optional statements. The seq can be any R object: a list, matrix, data.frame, environment, function, etc. The function iter is called on the seq. So the behavior can be easily described for custom classes or objects. See helpers for functions like zip that can be used with seq.

Multiple variables can be used in var by separating the names with a period ".". For example, i.j is equivalent looping with variables i and j. The downside is that periods cannot be used in the var name. When multiple variables are used, the object received from the sequence at each iteration is split and its elements assigned in order to each of the variables. If the var is i.j and the object received in the iteration was c(2,4,6), then i=2, j=4, and 6 would not be assigned. Since variables are split on periods, i..j could be used to assign the first and third elements, or .i.j the second and third. Any number of variables can be used. Note that the entire object is returned if there are no periods in the name, so use i.. if only the first object is needed.

To provide names within a loop, preface the expression with the desired name for that particular object followed by =. name can be any expression, just make sure to surround any if chain for the name with parentheses, or the R parser will not detect that the assignment operator is associated with the expr. Behind the scenes, the expression on the left-hand side of "=" is wrapped in an sapply function and the results are assigned to the names of the right-hand side result.

The if statement can contain any number of if-else statements and can be nested. Similarly, for statements can be nested any number of times and converted to lapply as long as the expression is a self-contained for loop.

Though comprehensions are functions, both List(for ...) and List[for ...] syntax are supported. See .. for a convenience wrapper around Vec.

The different comprehensions primarily describe the return value, with List return a "list" and Num returning a numeric vector. If the object cannot be converted, then an error will be produced. For Env, the objects must be named. This means that either the name must be assigned within the loop or the loop is performed across a named object and the name is preserved. Another difference is that is some comprehensions - though related to atomic vectors - convert for to sapply while others convert to lapply.

The Comp function is used to create custom comprehensions. It should be supplied with a map function such as lapply that accepts arguments: X for the argument over which the comprehension iterates, FUN a function applied to each element, and ... for additional arguments passed to the FUN. Comp also accepts a post-evaluation function, fun, that is applied to the result. This could be used to ensure that the result complies to some class or other restriction.

Users can also specify a cluster to use. If specified, then a parallel version of lapply or sapply is used based on parLapply and parSapply from the parallel package. This can greatly reduce the calculation time for different operations, but has additional overhead that makes the cost greater than the benefit for relatively small vectors. See auto_cluster for auto-creation.


Determined by the function. List returns an object of class 'list', Num returns a numeric vector, etc. See the descriptions of each function for their return type.


  • Comp: Create generalized comprehension function

  • List: Generate a 'list' from a for loop

  • Env: Generate an 'environment' from a for loop

  • Vec: Generate a flat, atomic 'vector' from a for loop

  • Num: Generate a 'numeric' vector from a for loop

  • Chr: Generate a 'character' vector from a for loop

  • Logical: Generate a 'logical' vector from a for loop

  • Mat: Generate a 'matrix' from a for loop

  • DF: Generate a 'data.frame' from a for loop


people <- list(
  John = list(age = 30, weight = 180, mood = "happy", gender = "male"),
  April = list(age = 26, weight = 110, mood = "sad", gender = "female"),
  Jill = list(age = 42, weight = 125, mood = "ok", gender = "female")

weight_kg <- Num(for (i in people) i$weight/2.2)
gender <- Chr(for (i in people) i$gender)
gender_tab <- List(for (i in c("male", "female")) i = length(which(gender == i)))

Chr(for (..i.j in people) paste0(i, " & ", j))

Chr(for (i.j in items(people)) paste0(i, " is ", j$age, " years old."))

e <- Env(for (i.j in items(people)) i = j$age)

Num(for (i in 1:10) for (j in 2:6) if (i == j) i^2)

Flatten a List or Other Object


Reduces the depth of a list or other object. Most non-atomic objects (matrix, data.frame, environments, etc.) are converted to a "list" in the first level flattening. Atomic vectors, functions, and other special objects return themselves.


flatten(x, level = -1, ...)



object of any class, but primarily designed for lists and other "deep" objects


numeric integer describing the depth at which to flatten the object. If level < 0, the object will become as flat as possible.


objects passed to methods


flatten maps itself to each object with the aggregate x, combining the results. Each time it is mapped, the level is reduced by 1. When level == 0, or an atomic vector or other special object is reached, flatten returns the object without mapping itself.


flatter object


x <- list(a = 1, b = 2:5, c = list(list(1,2,3), 4, 5), 6)
## returns: [1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6]

flatten(x, level=1)
## returns: [1 2 3 4 5 [1 2 3] 4 5 6]

Higher Order Functions


Common functions used in functional programming. These are similar to their respective counterparts in Base R: Map, Reduce, Filter, etc. However, they take any value that can be converted to a function via lambda and the function comes after the argument in the argument list for convenience while piping.


  simplify = FALSE,
  clust = NULL

  simplify = FALSE,
  clust = NULL

ffind(x, f, ...)

filter(x, f, ...)

reduce(x, f, init = NULL, right = FALSE)

accumulate(x, f, init, right = FALSE)






function to be applied to x


additional arguments supplied to f, or a list of functions for compose (applied in the order provided)


logical; should the results be simplified to an array?


logical; should x be used as names for the result?


template vector for the return type


cluster to use for parallel computations. See comprehension for more details. FUN.VALUE is ignored if a cluster is supplied.


object used to initialize reduce, if an object other then the first value is desired


logical; should the reduction start from left (default) or right?


map is slightly different from Map in Base R other than the argument order. First, iter is applied to the vector x so that users can define behavior for custom classes. Second, lambda is applied to f. map only works for a single vector. Use mapn to use multiple vectors as the function argument. The map functions are wrappers around sapply or link[base]{vapply} (if FUN.VALUE is provided).

The other functions behave similar to what one would expect, with the exception of accumulate. accumulate does not produce all intermediate results; it only provides the final cumulative vector.

compose takes multiple functions and produces a single "composed" function. When the composed function is called, each function in the list is applied sequentially to the arguments. The functions can be retrieved from the composed function's attributes.


determined by the return value of the function f.


  • map: Apply function f using elements in vector x at each index.

  • mapn: Apply function f using the element in all elements in vectors ... at each index as arguments.

  • ffind: Find the position of elements in vector x that satisfy predicate function f.

  • filter: Extract elements in vector x that satisfy predicate function f.

  • reduce: Combine elements in a vector x using binary function f.

  • accumulate: Combine elements in a vector x using binary function f, accumulating the results.

  • compose: Combine functions into a single function.


x <- list(1:3, 4:6, 7:9)
map(x, ~Reduce(`-`, .i))
map(x, sqrt)

filter(x[[1]], ~.i < 3)

reduce(x[[3]], `*`, init=1)

f <- compose(sqrt, log, `*`(2))

Helpers for Vector Comprehension


These functions help to create sequences for use in vector comprehension.





rows(x, ...)

cols(x, ...)

zip(..., fill = NA, longest = TRUE)

lrep(x, n = 2, axis = 0)

transpose(x, fill = NA, longest = TRUE)

slice(x, start, end, by = 1L)

roll(x, n = 2, fill = NULL, head = TRUE, ...)


lagg(x, k = 1, fill = NA, axis = 0)

groups(x, g)



separate(x, n = 2, fill = NA)



splitn(x, n = 1)



list, environment, or other vector


vectors to combine


object with which to fill the vector when operating on elements with varying lengths or shifts.


logical; should the longest item be used to determine the new length or shortest? Defaults to TRUE.


size of window for roll and separate, or position of item in which to split each element in splitn


which axis to perform different operations? axis=0, the default, performs operations on each element in the list (columns), while axis=1 performs operations on each object within the elements of a list (rows).

start, end, by

integers of length 1 describing the sequence for slicing the vector. If missing, they will default to the start or end of the vector.


logical; should fill be at the head of the vector or the tail?


number of elements to shift right. Negative values of k shift to the left


vector of objects used to define groups


These functions transform vectors or other objects into lists, by adding elements, grouping objects, extracting certain elements, and so forth. These can be used in conjunction with vector comprehension to develop quick and readable code.

An example of how each of these can be used is seen here. Let x and y be given as follows.

x = list(a = 2, b = 4, c = 8) y = list(1:2, 2:3, 3:4)

Then the various helper functions will have the following effect.

  • chain(y) => [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]

  • chars("hello") => ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']

  • enum(x) => [[1, 2], [2, 4], [3, 8]]

  • first(y) => [1, 2, 3]

  • groups(x, c("z", "w", "z")) => [["z", [2, 8]], ["w", [4]]]

  • items(x) => [["a", 2], ["b", 4], ["c", 8]]

  • lagg(x, 2) => [[2, 4, 8], [NA, 2, 4], [NA, NA, 2]]

  • lrep(x, 3) => [[2, 4, 8], [2, 4, 8], [2, 4, 8]]

  • rest(y) => [[2], [3], [4]]

  • roll(x, 2) => [[2, 4] [4, 8]]

  • separate(x, 2) => [[2, 4], [8, NA]]

  • slice(x,1,,2) => [2, 8]

  • splitn(y) => [[[1], [2]], [[2], [3]], [[3], [4]]]

  • transpose(y) => [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]]

  • unroll(y) => [1, 2, 3, 4]

  • vals(x) => [2, 4, 8]

  • zip(x, 1:3) => [[2, 1], [4, 2], [8, 3]]


list or other vector


  • items: Create a list containing the name of each element of x and its value.

  • vals: Extract the values of x without their names.

  • enum: Create a list containing the index of each element of x and its value.

  • rows: Create a list containing the rows of a data.frame or matrix

  • cols: Create a list containing the columns of a data.frame or matrix

  • zip: Merge two or more vectors into a list with each index containing values from each vector at that index.

  • lrep: Repeat x, n times, with each repetition being an item in a list.

  • transpose: Transpose a list or other object into a list. Opposite of zip.

  • slice: Subset an object by a sequence: start, end, by. If start is missing, it is assumed to be 1. If end is missing, it is assumed to be the length of the object.

  • roll: Create a list of objects containing n items from x, with n-1 elements overlapping in a chain. Opposite of unroll.

  • unroll: Flatten a list by combining the unique elements between each group of two elements. Opposite of roll.

  • lagg: Create a list containing an object and each the first k lags of an object.

  • groups: Create a list where each element is a list with the first element equal to a unique value in g and the other element is a list containing all values of x at the same indices as the value of g.

  • chars: Convert a character string into a vector of single character values.

  • chain: Combine each object in a list. Opposite of separate.

  • separate: Separate vector into a list of objects with length n. Opposite of chain.

  • first: Take the first element of each item in a list.

  • rest: Remove the first element of each item in a list.

  • splitn: Split each element in a list into two parts: one with the first n elements and the second with the rest.


x <- 1:10
y <- 32:35

n <- Num(for (i.j in zip(x,y)) i+j)
# Note that the result is different from x+y since the shortest does not repeat

e <- new.env()
e$a <- 1:5
e$b <- 6:10

e2 <- Env(for (key.val in items(e)) key = sqrt(val))

# row product
mat <- matrix(1:9, nrow=3)
Num(for (i in rows(mat)) prod(i))

Higher Order Helpers for Vector Comprehension


These functions use a vector and a function to create an iterable object that can be used for vector comprehension.


starmap(x, f, axis = 0, ..., longest = TRUE, fill = NULL)

starred(x, f, axis = 0, ..., longest = TRUE, fill = NULL)

starfilter(x, f, axis = 0, ..., longest = TRUE, fill = NULL)

partition(x, f, ...)

dropwhile(x, f, ...)

takewhile(x, f, ...)





function to be applied to x


which axis to perform different operations? axis=0, the default, performs operations on each element in the list (columns), while axis=1 performs operations on each object within the elements of a list (rows).


additional arguments passed to lower functions. See funprog


logical; should the longest item be used to determine the new length or shortest? Defaults to TRUE.


object with which to fill the vector when operating on elements with varying lengths or shifts.


The star functions are similar to their funprog counterparts, except that they are applied one level deeper in the list.


list or other vector


  • starmap: Use map f on each element of x.

  • starred: Use reduce f on each element of x.

  • starfilter: Use filter f on each element of x.

  • partition: Map predicate function f to each object in x and split based on which items evaluate to TRUE (index 1) vs. FALSE (index 2).

  • dropwhile: Drop objects from x until predicate function f evaluates to FALSE.

  • takewhile: Keep objects from x until predicate function f evaluates to FALSE.


x <- list(1:3, 4:6, 7:9)

## filter away values less than 6
starfilter(x, ~.i > 5)
starfilter(x, ~.i > 5, axis=1) # Transposed

starred(x, `/`, init=1) # sequentially divide each item, starting at 1

partition(x, ~.i > 5)

'for' Loop with Additional Features


ifor evaluates an expression within a for loop, after applying iter to the sequence. ifor also allows multiple indexes by separating each variable name with a ".", such that ifor(x, i.j, ...) is similar to for (i,j in x) ... if for loops accepted multiple index values. See comprehension for more details. Assignment to a variable outside of the function can be accomplished through assign or <<-.


ifor(ind, x, expr)



variable name whose values are updated each round in the loop. Separate names with "." to allow for multiple variables


sequence over which to loop


expression that is evaluated each round within the loop


NULL invisibly


ifor(i.j, zip(1:4, 0:3),{

Create an Iterable Object


Vector comprehension iterates over an object, but the default behavior may not be desirable for custom classes. iter allows the user to specify how the object behaves within a comprehension, or other loop in the eList package. Unless a method is specified for an object, iter will attempt to convert it to a list except for atomic vectors.





object to be looped across


a vector


e <- new.env()
e$x <- 10
e$y <- letters[1:10]

Create Functions from Formulas/Objects


lambda allows the quick creation of anonymous functions from a variety of different object types, such as formulas or from other calls.


lambda(x, ...)



object to be converted to a function


arguments passed to methods


The behavior of lambda depends on the object that is passed to it. The method for handling functions returns the function unchanged. The method for handling symbols evaluates the symbol, then attempts to apply itself to the result. For calls, lambda creates a function that applies the new arguments, along with the original arguments in the call, to the original call function.

lambda attempts to parse a formula object - an object with syntax LHS ~ RHS - by using the value on the left-hand side as the function arguments and the value on the right-hand side as the function body. The argument on the left-hand side is split across "." so that multiple arguments can be easily created. For example, lambda(x.y ~ sqrt(x + y)) creates function(x, y) sqrt(x + y). If the formula is only one-sided, then the formula is parsed similar to the method in the purrr package; names that are prefixed by a "." are considered the function arguments. The previous function could also be created using lambda(~sqrt(.x + .y)).

lambda is used in many of the higher-order functions in the eList package. It can also be used in other functions so that users have a variety of options in which they satisfy functional arguments.




double2 <- lambda(x.y ~ 2*(x + y))
double2(5, 6)

# alternatively, using 'dot' notation:
double2 <- lambda(~ 2*(.x + .y))

# using a call with partial arguments
subcall <- substitute(round(digits=2))
round2 <- lambda(subcall)

Remove 'NULL' Entries from List


Function removes all items that are NULL or empty from a list or other object.





object to be checked


x without NULL entries


l <- list(a=2, b=NULL, c = 3)
length(l) == 3

k <- null.omit(l)
length(k) == 2